Wednesday, July 6, 2011


After 30 years of really, really needing them, I finally did it last week.....I got braces put on!

About a month before school got out I heard an ad on the radio for "Six Month Smile" braces at a local cosmetic dentist office. They were offering a discount if you came in for consultation on a particular day and so I called right then from the car and set up my appointment. I went in and they assured my that I did qualify for these braces with an average wear time of 6 months. I called Glenn on the way home and he had me come straight to his office to call them back with my deposit.

I went in the following week for x-rays and molds. Then last week, they put them on! Okay, I'm not going to lie...I hate them. They make my mouth puffy, they have hurt for a week now and I'm learning that there is nothing healthy (or that I want!) that I can eat. But, after seeing how they look once one I truly realize how BADLY crooked and misshapen my teeth were and I know that in December or January when I see the results I will be SO glad I suffered for a few months.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

I wore mine for 3 years as a teen and now need them again! Honestly, getting them as an adult after all your permanent teeth are in, is the best time!