Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July Fun at the Beach

This year we spent a long July 4th weekend at the beach with our friends, Scottie and Kat. Kat and I headed down on Thursday afternoon loaded with coolers of food, supplies, beach chairs, clothes, books and more. On Friday she and I spent the entire day by the pool and waiting for the guys to arrive that evening.

Saturday was a special treat....Glenn's parents took us to Grand Dunes Ocean Club for lunch and to use the pool for the day. What fun! Sunday, I opted to stay in out of the sun and read while everyone else spent time at the condo pool. (Even with sunscreen my skin can only take so much sun!) Each night we cooked in and enjoyed the ocean breeze from our balcony.

The Fourth was the actual first day we headed to the beach and it was PACKED. Glenn and I got out there just in time to be a part of "Salute From the Shore". At 1 p.m. four F-16 jets took off from the NC border and flew the length of the SC shoreline as beach goers waved, flew flags and sported red, white and blue salutes! It was actually quite an amazing event and fueled pride in our military on this patriotic holiday. After pool time and dinner, as soon as it got dark, we headed back to the beach to join thousands of people for thousands of fireworks all up and down the coastline.

It was a fabulous Fourth of July holiday!

Salute from the the last picture you can just see the jets in our first glimpse as they come over the Apache pier!

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