Sunday, September 5, 2010

First Game of the 2010 Season

Thursday night was the first USC game of the season. I took off from work early, checked Ben out of school early and we headed off to tailgate and go to the game. Unfortunately, I've had a cold all week and with PTA and wedding excitement I was exhausted and felt horrible. (I ended up leaving the game and going home to bed early!) But, the game was great and we had a lot of fun! GO COCKS!!!

Picture 1: tailgate set up; Picture 2: me and Jeri Katherine; Picture 3: Ben playing x-Box; Picture 4: We never know Ben is even there...he makes friends with EVERYONE. Here he is playing cornhole with some of our neighbors; Picture 5: First 2001 entrance of the year; Picture 6: First TOUCHDOWN OF THE SEASON!!! WHOOO HOOOO!

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