Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break's First Days

I love spring break! It's so nice to set my own pace, relax and not have to get up too early in the morning. The first 3 and half days of break were spent over Easter weekend. Since then:

On Monday night Glenn and I met our friends, Peggy and Ruben, and his friend, Ryan, visiting from Charleston, at Backporch for pizza on the porch. Other than hordes of college studnets and nasty pollen, it was the perfect evening for an outdoor dinner.
Last night Peggy, Belinda, Hilda and I attended the USC Fashion Board's annual fashion show at 701 Whaley. We saw student designer's fashions, as well as local store's spring/summer lines. Afterwards we headed to Terra for a late dinner (yummalicious Pesto Tomato pizza).

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