Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Break in the Middle

This has been one of the most relaxing spring breaks I remember in a looonnnnggg time! I've really had nothing pressing to do, but enjoy my time off.

On Wednesday, Belinda, Glenn's stepmom, invited me to lunch with her on the patio at Harpers (perfect day for a patio lunch) and then shopping along Devine Street. She had seen a dress from Britton's in the fashion show that she liked. It turned out to be a dress OR a skirt that would be perfect for the beach. We ventured into a few other stores before meeting Glenn and his dad at the final stop, The Ivory Tower. I had never been in there and it is completely unlike any shop I've ever been in, but I loved it! Glenn even surprised me with this gorgeous silk hippy..ahem, bohemian... Nicole Miller skirt that I tried on and adored. (We have a Carolina Wildlife black tie event to attend in May and I am considering finding a dressy top and wearing this as it is silk, floor length, unique and even more beautiful in person --the picture does not do it justice.) I also came home with a gorgeous blouse, but I am reserving pictures of it until I wear it!

Later, Glenn and I walked to a new-to-me pizza place (it has been there since the '70s and was Glenn's first "out to eat without his parents" restaurant) LaBrasca's. I loved it!! It was quaint ( redecor since the 70s), fabulously cheesy pizza and very cheap.

Yesterday was my "do absolutely nothing day". I went for a walk and that was it. Last night we had a movie night -- watched "Up in the Air" and love, love, love it (except for one unexpected disappointing moment) and "Brothers", which was not quite what we had expected.

Today, I have improvised a balsamic chicken recipe in the crockpot for dinner, check out a gym at a local church and get ready for the boys to get here this evening!! YAY for fun week!!

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