Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend 2010

This was a fabulous Easter Weekend!! Glenn's mom and stepdad arrived late Friday afternoon and we started by joining his grandmother and Mr. Rick for dinner at Garabaldi's. On Saturday we spent most of the morning taking a walk, fighting the pollen that covered everything and searching for a dogwood tree! Fred, Glenn's stepdad, had not seen a dogwood and really wanted to. We found several -- white and pink --- one of which was beautiful. Lunch on Saturday was at 5 Points favorite of ours, Blue Cactus, followed by shopping in 5 Points. On Saturday night we ventured to the Vista for sushi at another of our favorites -- Tsunami and then watched basketball (Yay for Butler making the finals!!)

Finally it was Sunday -- Easter, Glenn's baptism and us joining Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. We thought this day would never arrive and when our pastor suggested doing this at Easter, I think Glenn and I both were a little disappointed to have to wait. However, I am so glad now that we did....what a beautiful day!! The service, music and celebration of Easter was one of the best I ever remember. In addition to Glenn's mom, stepdad, and grandmother, the Sipes and Montgomerys were there and our friends, Connie and Judah and children, Bella and Sawyer came. After church, we enjoyed lunch at The Blue Marlin, another long walk (to Publix to look for Adluh grits, but they were closed for the day) and then we grilled steaks and vegetables for dinner.

It was truly a wonderful Easter season that ended with a beautiful weekend.

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