Sunday, April 11, 2010

All Good Things --Even Spring Break --Come To An End

The last three days of Spring Break have been just as wonderful as the first. Clay and Ben arrived Friday evening and I got to see Clay's new ride -- a 2000 Subaru Outback. He took all of us for a ride to pick up a pizza at LaBrasca's for their dinner. (We ate the crockpot balsamic chicken that I threw turned out sooooo yum, if I do say so myself.) They threw the football with Glenn for a while and we watched a movie. Great Friday night with the boys!
On Saturday, Clay had a scouting activity before returning to Spartanburg. Glenn, Ben and I headed to Carolina Walk Park to tailgate before the annual Gamecock Spring Game. Goooooood time!! Our friends, Ruben, Kim, John, Justin, and Van joined. As well as Tripp and Brennan, friends of ours sons that are about Ben's age that he has gotten to be buds with. Ben ended up going home with Tripp to spend the night and meet us at church on Sunday. Sunday was church and then lunch with Glenn's grandmother and two of her friends from her church at The Blue Marlin, a long walk, watching the Masters and then dinner at Garabaldi's with Glenn's family to celebrate his dad's birthday. After church we did a little mini-photo shoot in the church courtyard. The first pics are of me, Ben and Glenn. The last two are of our friend's (Van and Elsie's) children -- Andi, Tripp and Ginny. I LOOOOOVE the last one....those looks are priceless! Fuuuuunnnn Sunday!

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