Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Is This Week Over YET??!!

After my first week back from spring break last week I was so ready for last weekend. And, it turned out to be pretty fun -- housewarming for a friend on Saturday and church on Sunday. I always love Sundays anymore because it just seems to start me week off "right" to worship in the morning and spend the day enjoying and resting.

Well, this week started off for sure...but I wouldn't say "right" was the word for it. First of all, being a teacher, we are ALL ready for summer break. This is that long stretch where everyone is cranky and exhausted. And, Mondays are the hardest. Every night and every morning one of the first things I do is check my online banking. I had checked it Sunday night and everything looked good. When I checked Monday morning...WHOA!!! My account was missing almost $300!! I almost stopped breathing (maybe I did for a few seconds, but I know my blood pressure went WAY up, WAY fast!) There was change labeled "AeroMexicano Internet Mexico". My debit card number had been stolen and used. I of course spent the first part of my morning welcoming students with a wave while working this out with the bank. It is indeed a fradualant charge --- my card had to be cancelled, a new one ordered and I've had to file a "dispute" with the bank. Hopefully, my money will be back in tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

Monday night was fun as we attended a Shandon Block Party for mayoral candidate, Kirkman Finley (who unfortunately did not win). It was complete with Doc's barb-que, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy, a band and dancers from USC. Afterwards was dinner --for them-- with Belinda and a couple she is friends with at MoMo's. I'd eaten well on the Doc's but decided to have a snack. BEST. FRENCH. FRIES. EVER. (and the aoli sauce and curry ketchup were perfect!!)

Tuesday --- I started with voting for mayor before school. My school accepts only applicants and we have to go and observe each one. Yesterday's visit coincided with my usual lunch time so my principal agreed I could eat while I was out. Since I would be close, I decided on the BEST hot dogs in Columbia -- Jimmy's Mart. As I'm eating I get a notification on my BlackBerry that I have a Facebook message from Glenn. He NEVER sends FB messages to me, so when it didn't open (for some reason my BB is not accepting the new FB app) I wasn't too concerned. In short order I get a text from him telling me to not open anything from him on FB. His account was hacked, someone stole his password, spread a virus and was posting very un-Glenn-like messages! Within another five minutes I received a second one from Belinda (and later two more from her!), her account had been hacked, too! This day ended after 12 hours as we had
our PTO Annual Talent Show. Exhausted was not even close!

Now it is Wednesday and it seems a little calmer. I'm adding spices to my meatballs for the covered dish dinner tonight at church. And, in "only in Columbia" news --- the newly elected mayor of the town (not Finlay that we attended the event for) was in a car accident this morning at 5:45 a.m. How strange!!

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

oh! How scary about your card! It can happen anytime, anywhere! Thank goodness you found it early!