Sunday, August 2, 2009

It Has Been Way too Long.....

.........since Kristie came to Columbia! She called last week and asked if I had any major weekend plans. I didn't so she decided to come down and visit. It was wonderful to have her here...even though it was kind of a crazy weekend.

Friday night we met up with some other friends of ours that she hadn't seen in months. Then on Saturday we spent the majority of the day at Chuck's pool. On Saturday night, Kristie, Brett, Glenn and I grilled hot dogs and turkey burgers at Glenn's, which was fun but interesting because he was preparing to leave at 5 a.m. for yet ANOTHER week long trip! Then, today, Kristie and I met Brett and Peggy for lunch at Pizza Man before doing some window shopping.

It was a terrific weekend and I can't wait for her to come back again this fall....hopefully for a football game!! :)

me, Kristie and Peggy
Kristie was so excited to see Brett and Dan!

The girls at the pool: Elizabeth, Kristie, me and Stephanie

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