Monday, July 20, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Breathing!! :)

My dad sent an e-mail last night to check on me because they hadn't heard from me in a week, so I thought I should probably update here so everyone knows I'm alive!

It really hasn't been too exciting here in Columbia! Last Sunday, my birthday, was quiet. My friend, Glenn and I went to dinner at Tsunami for Japanese and sushi. Then, Tuesday night we met some friends at Jillian's and on Thursday we ended up again (twice in one week and Sunday was the first time ever for both of us) with Kellie and Christina at Tsunami for sushi to celebrate Kellie's birthday (which happens to be the same day as mine!)

On Saturday afternoon I dropped Glenn off at the airport for the first of his three week trips and then headed to my apartment to get Maggie ready for her new home. Yes, Maggie has moved. Since I'm seldom home and work so far away, I decided it was better for her to be with someone who could give her LOTS and LOTS of attention. So she is now living with my friend, Sarah, which is great because I can still visit her! After I got her off to Sarah, I met Mary and Brett at Monterray for a really fun evening.

Now, for the rest of this week, I'm housesitting for Glenn while he is away and getting caught up on JWC activities and starting to think about next school year. YIKES!! Its only a few weeks away.

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