Friday, August 7, 2009

Good Times!

With this being my last full week off before school, I have been both lazy and productive! I've been on a cleaning spree the last few days and I replanted patio and front porch flowers at Glenn's house so they would be set when he gets home Sunday. I can't believe I am saying this but in addition to loving to cook anymore, I also love planting! (Although I think I might be allergic to the potting soil I used...I have a rash on my arm now!)

Front porch


Fun stuff this week has included the first JWC Board meeting for the year on Tuesday night at our Headquarters. We got lots of great info about the club year and Baubles and Bubbles, our annual fundraiser. It was a LONG meeting, but great to see the girls!

Stephanie reading to us at Board meeting

Then last night I had the girl's come over to hang out. We lit the tiki torches and the new "umbrella candle ring" that I LOVE! It was a blast just hanging out with some of my favorite girls! It was especially fun to have my friend, Wendy, who I used to teach with in Boiling Springs and who just moved down here to come. I haven't seen her in so long!!

Picture 1 -- Lighting the (tiki) torches; Picture 2 --Christy (AKA Hoser), Elizabeth, Rachael, me and Wendy; Picture 3 --Rachael, Sarah, Stephanie and me; Picture 4 -- Laugh of the night!! I always Clean the glass doors with Windex and newspaper. Someone ALWAYS walks into the door, without fail. Sarah is the first to leave a faceprint, though!!

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