Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good News Around Here!

Things have been so busy lately, but there are some definite good news pieces to share:

Clay - The B-C band placed at Lower State and State for their division and he has been chosen to travel with the band/football team on Friday for the first playoff game in Charleston. Clay also made the A/B Honor Roll (he missed all A by 2 points!).

Ben - His report card arrived on Friday with ALL A'S!! He was very excited, of course. Ben was also chosen to perform a "drug free" song on his school's morning program during Red Ribbon Week.

Melanie - I found out today that I have been selected as 1 of 12 General Federation of Woman's Clubs members nationwide to blog about their club year on the GFWC's website!! This is really a cool opportunity and a great chance to promote GFWC-SC (I'm on the Junior Board for the state) and my club, Junior Woman's Club of Columbia. Basically, I will keep a second blog for the next year and it will include weekly posts about my club and volunteering activities as well as photos. It will be housed on the GFWC website (

Additionally, I was elected Columbia Jaycees VP of Membership for 2009 at the October meeting.

Lots of good news here athe Johnson's!!


Paula Faye said...

Well aren't you the most awesome little JWC'er out there. tee,hee. Let us know when you post so we can check it out.
Congratulations to all of you for your successes!

The Muldrows said...

That's great news about the JWC blog! Also, I'm so excited about you being membership VP for the Jaycees next year. You'll do such a superb job. Congrats!!