Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Links

You may have noticed some new links on my sidebar. I recently added the following:

Carrie's Blog -- Carrie and I "met" through a mutual friend's blog and have become virtual friends. Ironically, I recently met Mary Beth, a friend of Carrie's and both of us are involved with Junior Woman's Club (me here in Columbia and Carrie in Aiken). I promise, Carrie, we are going to become "real" friends soon!! :)

Cort and Cohen's Blog -- This blog is maintained by the principal at my school's daughter. Cort is her two year old son and Cohen is 16.5 months (if you read today's post on the blog that will make sense). One year ago tomorrow the doctors told them that Cohen would not survive. They believe (thankfully!) that life begins at inception and that they would take whatever time God provided with Cohen. As it turns out, he was born in March and despite all odds, he is still here and growing!! Cohen still has some medical issues and it has a long name, so please go read their blog to find out more. I PROMISE you will walk away inspired and awed by what God can do and how He can use even a baby who wasn't supposed to live!

Jamie's Blog -- Jamie and I both used to live in Boiling Springs and we scrapbooked together. As a matter of fact we met because she was one of my customers during my brief Creative Memories Consultant stint. She and her family moved away (and have grown by two!) so that Todd, her husband, could attend Chaplain's school. We recently reconnected on Facebook (thank goodness for Facebook!) and they are now living in Texas, where Todd is an Army Chaplain.

Linda's Blog -- Linda is my teaching partner and this blog centers around her family, especially Emerson, her new daughter. (Who is a real adorable sweet girl!)

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