Monday, October 20, 2008

Travinia --- Good Fun, Good Friends, Good Fun!

Junior Woman's Club of Columbia founded Palmetto Place Children's Shelter quite a few years ago. As such it is, we are still a major funding source for the shelter. (You might remember pictures and a post about Baubles and Bubbles, our big event, last February.) The shelter also has a dessert competition each spring and a golf tournament in the fall. Today was golf tourney day and to kick it off last night a dinner and silent auction was held at Travinia.

My friend, Marisa, is currently the shelter's director (she's leaving in December to move to Charlotte...good for her since she'll be with Thomas, her husband; bad for us as we are really going to miss her at Bunco and other events) and several us went early to help her set up and then stayed for to help her at the end of the auction. It was a great time and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with two of my favorite girls, Elizabeth and Paula. The three of us and Marisa (when she wasn't working!) had a BLAST!

Setting up beforehand: Joan, me, Elizabeth, Paula and Kelly

Paula and me just need a book and a beach!

Paula, Thomas and Marisa

"the girls": me, Elizabeth, Paula and Marisa

Marisa and me...I'm going to miss her!

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