Wednesday, October 22, 2008

All In A Day's Work

With the idea and blessing from my principal, I planned a "Pumpkin Caper" day for my class today. Tomorrow we have a field trip and Friday is a teacher in-service day, so I knew they would not be in for traditional learning. Instead we estimated and measured pumpkins for height, weight and circumference. Then I cut open the top, we scooped out the seeds (I'll be baking them for Monday) and counted the seeds. After it was all over, with parents help, we carved the faces and then wrote about our pumpkins.
Additionally, parents sent in pumpkin recipes, for us to use to put together a cook-book, and pumpkin treats --- we had pumpkin pie, pumpkin roll (yummy!!) and pumpkin bread.

It was a pumpkin-licious day!

the set up for pumpkin capers

me carving pumpkins...who would have known that I was getting a masters degree and would one day be carving pumpkins?!? (notice, however, my ability to dress to the occasion!)

Not bad if I do say so myself :)

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