Sunday, October 12, 2008

The State Fair!

I LOVE the SC State Fair! One of my favorite young adult novels is Fairweather by Richard Peck and it is about the World's Exposition Fair in Chicago in the 1890s, right at the crux of "industrialization" with major inventions including the now-famous Ferris Wheel. And, so I thought of the that today as Ron, Ben and I headed to the state fair. I love the exhibits, I love the crazy people, I love the weird, I love the wonderful and this year I LOVED for the first time ever the Ferris Wheel!

The weather was definitely "fairweather" for us --- alternating between sunny and cloudy, warm and cool. It was a great day! In addition to the Ferris Wheel, Ben and I rode the carousel, went through the fun house (where I managed to get injured...stop laughing now! To get out you had to slide down a curvy slide. I had on a skirt and was trying to slide and keep my skirt down until I got the bottom without tumbling onto the ground. I scraped my arm on the slide. It hurt.) We very much enjoyed all of the exhibits and the animals.
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1 comment:

Kim said...

I was laughing but now I've stopped. Funny thing because Matthew and Philip went through the fun house too and Philip almost made it out safely but got turned around on the last turn of the slide and bumped his head at the bottom! Next year, I'm going to ride the Dragon Roller Coaster. We should ride it together to make up for chickening out of Top Gun at Carowinds!!