Wednesday, October 15, 2008

See You Soon!

Back in the late spring I met someone here in Columbia purely by chance that quickly became one of closest friends. Lara had recently moved here to teach at a local college and took a chance (which she claims is totally unlike her) and approached some friends of mine to introduce herself. The following weekend we were all out to hear 80s band (love them!) 88 Rewind and she was there. They introduced us and we've been friends ever since.

Lara told me this week that she has decided to move back home to Virginia and she starts a job teaching there next week. We met last night to catch up and enjoy dinner together at one of our favorite places, Liberty's, before she leaves.

Even though I am truly going to miss her, I know she is only a phone call away and I am so excited for her. She looks happier than I have ever seen her! Despite my own selfishness of not wanting her to be hours away, I wouldn't take this happiness away from her for anything.

I wished her luck and told her that I would "see her soon"! I will miss you, Lara! (But, I can't wait to come visit Charlottsville...never been there.) :)

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