Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Visit With Friends

After watching the game with Ron and Ben (YAY, Cocks! Way to beat Kentucky!), we decided to drive down to 5 Points and walk through the Group Therapy Chilli Cook-Off. It was -- in our opinion--- a bust, but I did walk away with a great top from Loose Lucy's and some Gamecock colored earrings from the Greek Store (to replace the ones I lost over the side of the stadium from the upper deck at the first game) as sursey's from Ron. So, it was a good trip.

When we lived in Boiling Springs there was a group of us that always did things together -- celebrate New Years and Birthdays, watch football games, go on trips to the beach, etc. One of the couples, Kim and Matthew, were in Columbia today to take their kids, Philip and Braewyn, to the State Fair (have I said I'm going to the fair tomorrow and I can't wait?!? Even without the swine races this year --- boohoo---I'm dreaming of candy apples, cotton candy, the baby ducks sliding down the water slide, crazy people...I digress). They called and wanted to know if we would like to meet for dinner and catch up. So, Ron talked them from the fairgrounds to the Mellow Mushroom and we met them there for supper. It was hard to believe their kids have grown so much. Philip is almost four and Braewyn was just a baby the last time we saw her (right after we moved here). Amazing how time flies! It was great to spend the evening with them and hope they come back soon!

As if the day hadn't already been wonderful enough (a Gamecock win, 5 Points surseys, old friends...what else could you ask for??!!), when I got home a gift bag was hanging on the door. A present from my JWC secret sister! That was so sweet!! (Thank you to the person if they happen to be a blog reader!!)

And, last but not least, in case you are wondering why I am posting at 1 a.m., we picked Clay up about half an hour ago after his band competition. The Bearcat Band placed 7th out of 10 overall. Good job!

Philip and Ben

me and my favorite Ben! (still in our Carolina gear from gametime as you can see!)

Matthew, Kim, Braewyn, me, Ron, Ben and Philip

this was so sweet...Ben held Philip's hand and helped across the parking lot to the car. Ben loved being the "big kid" for a change!

Braewyn and Ron, she is such a sweet thing and she loved Ron

1 comment:

Kim said...

Thanks for the great pictures of us on your blog. It was so good to see you guys, just like old times!! The photo of Ben and Philip by the bookcase is too cute; Ben looks so big and Philip looks so little!! We'll have to get together more with our "city friends"!!