Thursday, September 18, 2008

Catch Up Post!

Whew!! The last few weeks have been incredibly busy and I'm not sure where to even begin! So, I'll just go back a couple of weeks and start there.

With football season in full swing everything around here is centered on the Gamecocks of course. While having dinner with friends at Wild Wings a few Tuesday nights ago, the Steve Spurrier Show was broadcasting and Cocky was out there, too. (in picture -- Chuck, Cocky and me)

Then on Thursday night, USC played Vanderbilt and my friend Paula organized a group of friends to go to Carolina Ale House to watch it on the big screen on their awesome rooftop deck. (pictures --- top: me and Marisa w/the awesome sunset behind us!; bottom: me and Paula)

On Friday night I went up to Spartanburg to visit the Phi Mu chapter USC Upstate for recruitment and to take Ben to my parent's house for the weekend. (top pic: Lambda Zeta chapter; bottom pic: me and the girls in my family tree).

After getting home late, I got up the next day and headed to tailgate and go to the game with Ron. It was a fun, hot day, even though the Gamecocks lost! (top pic: tailgating w/Stephanie and Dan and then bottom pic: I ran into a bunch of the Phi Mu girls!) It was great to see my parents on Sunday when they brought Ben home and we spent some time at Sandhill shopping.

This week has been super busy. On Monday night my friends, Stephanie and Elizabeth, came over to hang out and help with a slide show I was working on for a Jaycees event. We had a fun time chatting and going through pictures. Tuesday night I headed to Fort Mill with a couple of Jaycees state officers to visit a new chapter starting there. It showed what a small world it is when I met a couple of people there who know people that I know from Spartanburg and Columbia.

Alumni and Current Jaycees

Elizabeth and me at the social

Last night was the Jaycees Alumni Social that I've been working on the slide show for the last few days. It was a really good time meeting alumni and spending time with current members.

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