Sunday, September 7, 2008

Six Random Things About Me

Thanks to Jamie for the Six Random Things About Me "tag" from her blog! So, here goes:

1. I was the official "poet" for my sixth grade class at the end of the year. I got to write a poem and read it at our graduation. I still have it memorized today!

2. I had an article published (and got paid for it!) in HomeLife magazine last October.

3. I have met Richard Simmons (while working for Sptbg. Regional's PR Department we brought him in for a fitness event), James Earl Jones (while I was working in Special Events for USC Upstate) and Alan Thicke (he came to pay his respects when my grandfather passed away as he married my grandparent's next door neighbor's granddaughter). Those are my only brushes with fame, however.

4. My absolute favorite song EVER is "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton. It has been since high school.

5. My first job was working at a "Peanut Shack" in the mall. Does anyone remember these little snack places where you could get peanuts, candy and icees?

6. I have previously been a bank teller, an events planner, a banking analyst for a retail corporate, an investor relations analyst for the same retail corporate and now a teacher.

Ok, here are my tags:

1. Paula
2. Kim B.
3. Leslie
4. Alison
5. Wendy
6. Gina

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.


The Muldrows said...

OMG, I remember Peanut Shack! There was one in Magnolia Mall in Florence.

Paula Faye said...

Oh! I remember peanut shack. I used to go there before movies at Bush River Mall (which no longer exists) and afterward was the arcade of course. tee,hee.

Paula Faye said...

Oh the pressure! ha,ha. I am trying to think of 6 random things about me that might be interesting enough to post. hmmmmm.