Sunday, January 19, 2014

UH OH...I Turned 4-0

 When Glenn asked what I wanted to do for my 40th birthday we batted around a lot of ideas.  Then, I came up with a "bucket list" item.....go to Chicago and watch my Cubs play at Wrigley Field!  So, we booked a flight, bought our tickets, invited my friends, Peggy and Paula to join us and off we went!
We arrived on Thursday evening (the night before my birthday) and after an improve show at the famous Second City (it was awesome!) we joined the girls at the top of the John Hancock building to "ring in my birthday" at midnight!
On Friday, my actual birthday we had lunch at Billy Goat Tavern before catching the EL to Wrigleyville.  I was so super excited to get there!  We visited some of the more famous Wrigleyville locations, walked past hall of famer Billy Williams on the street thinking he was a homeless person trying to get a handout so I could get my picture made with a cub (Glenn waited at least half an hour before he told me what I had done) and then we went into Wrigley Field's Captain Morgan Club where they had a DJ and access to the stadium.  Finally, GAME TIME!! It was surreal to finally be there. After the game we dined at Rosebud's.
Saturday was our last day so we shopped, walked a lot, took a ferry to Navy Pier, visited "the bean" and Glenn and I had my official birthday dinner at my favorite steakhouse, Morton's.  It was so very cool.  They definitely made me feel special with a personalized menu, a souvenir photo and candle lit dessert. 
I can't imagine a better way to turn the big 40!!

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