Sunday, January 19, 2014


Most of the rest of June and almost all of July were spent at the beach.  We did spend one Saturday right before July 4th at the lake with our friends from Panama who were in town.  We were so excited to finally meet their daughter, Jocelyn. 
Our friends Ruben, Jen and Cam joined us for the 4th at the beach.  We spent time with our beach friends, Larry and Marsha, Stoney and Mary and my in laws, and Belinda's nieces, and my friend, Peg, during my time down there.  Glenn, along with my inlaws and our friend Marsha hosted a wonderful 40th birthday party at Collector's Café!  (I spent my actual birthday in Chicago...more on that in another text).  I had the most beautiful cake and such a terrific time celebrating with family and friends.

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