Monday, March 25, 2013

Going Green in 2013

Our year is not complete without a BIG TO DO for St. Patrick's Day!  Every year since Glenn and I met (except one) we have hosted a pre-5 Points St. Pat's Party at our house.  And, now our location makes it even better since we can take the golf card or walk.

This year I started the day by meeting my friend, Paula and her niece Rae for the parade up on Devine Street.  It was definitely all green!  By the time I got home our first guests had arrived.  By a little after lunchtime most of us were ready to head to 5 Points and join 50,000 other people.  In that HUGE crowd I actually ran into my cousin in law, Kinsely...what a highlight of the day!

We ended the day at Za's for dinner where I ran into Ben's kindergarten teacher from Spartanburg....small world!  

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