Saturday, January 7, 2012

Celebrating Christmas

Again because of no camera (until Christmas morning when I received a Canon Powershot from my in laws! Thank you guys...I love it!) and figuring out the new camera, there weren't very many pictures from family celebrations this year.

For starters I spent the entire day of Wednesday in bed sick, sick, sick. Fortunately I felt a little better on Thursday as my parents, Ben and Clay all arrived in Columbia AND our realtor showed our house for the first time (even though it isn't on the market just yet.) We enjoyed lunch at Casa Linda, opening gifts and shopping while they were here.

On Friday Glenn, Clay and I (with the help of one of Glenn's employees) go the house ready for our party. Then, Christmas Eve Glenn and I spent the day at home for the most part. We had Chinese for dinner and watched "A Christmas Story". Christmas morning we got ready and had lunch at Still Hopes with Mrs. Matthews. It was wonderful!!! Then, we brought her home with us while I got ready for Christmas dinner. It was a strange year having it our house and not her's. But we got a turkey and ham and I fixed green bean casserole and my grandmother's mac and cheese and dressing. I think everyone enjoyed it.

The boys arrived Monday and we opened presents with them before I began dismantling the decorations from the house and prepared to leave for the beach on Wednesday.

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