Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seattle - Tuesday Sightseeing

Our Tuesday in Seattle started early because we were too excited about seeing the city to sleep! First stop was BOKA, the hotel restaurant, for breakfast. Then, we walked (quite a few miles!) to Lake Washington for our sea plane ride and Argosy boat tour. The Sea plane was the best thing we did on the trip and worth every penny it cost. Glenn and I both LOVED it. The views were beautiful and we felt totally safe since the plane was also a boat and for the majority of the ride we were over water! (Next trip out here, we're going to take one of these into Canada.) Unfortunately, our plane was running a little late and we missed our Argosy boat. Since the next boat leaving time would conflict with our lunch reservations, they graciously booked us for the following day. (As you will see though, Glenn didn't check his schedule and he needed to be in a meeting at the same time as the boat, so Gina and I ended up going.)

Since, we had some to kill we walked from there to City Center (a few more miles) the location of the infamous Space Needle, EMP (Jimi Hendrix Museum called Experiencing Music Project) and more. We walked around and toured EMP which had a few fabulous exhibits --- Battlestar Galactica, Avatar --including real suits from the movie and computerized simulations and Nirvana --- which had their MTV Music Award and Kurt Cobain's famous green sweater on display! Finally, it was time for the Space Needle's Sky City rotating restaurant. We really figured the view was going to be the best part and were superbly surprised by the gourmet food. Following lunch we went up to the observation deck to see the city.

While on the observation deck the strangest story of Seattle emerged. Walking around I saw a girl that looked familiar. She pointed at me and then I recognized the girl with her. But they were out of place and I was totally confused for a moment. It was my teaching partner, Jan's daughters!! We had no idea we would all be there, much less run into each other! They were visiting with their dad who was also in town for a convention.

Taking off!

Bill Gates' house from the air

great view from the sky

Avatar head at EMP

Nirvana artifacts...there is the famous sweater!

such a gorgeous day

lunch at Sky City....yes, that is the real city behind us :)

observation deck
such a surprise to run into Mallory and Leah!

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