Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seattle - Middle of the Night Monday

This year Glenn's August Associated meeting was in Seattle and since school hadn't yet started I was able to go along. We left Columbia around 6:30 on Monday evening and after (with a delay of course) a layover in Dallas we arrived in Seattle after midnight on Monday.

We had a very bumpy (ie...BAD cab driver) ride to the swanky Hotel 1000, where the events were taking place and we were staying. The hotel was very modern and sleak. Best feature though was the tub. It sat in the bathroom with a glass window (yes, there was a screen in case you prefered for those in the bedroom to NOT watch you soak!) to the bedroom and it filled from the ceiling. It was so deep and wonderful!! I want one of these for home!

everyone got a rubber ducky (and as you will see, by the end of the week, I had 2)

filling the tub from the ceiling

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