Saturday, January 1, 2011

First Annual Festivus (For the Rest of Us) Party

Anyone watch Seinfeld? If so, you know what "Festivus" is....a pole, no tree. Meatloaf for the meal. No expensive, materialistic presents. Feats of strength (for obvious reasons this was deleted). Airing of Grievances (this was unintentionally NOT omitted). We love that episode and last year went to Five Point's celebration held earlier in December. The actual date of Festivus (for the rest of us) is December 23rd and we decided host our very first Festivus Celebration on that Night.
The boys were her, my in laws came, Kristie and Randall and a host of our other great friends were there to celebrate. The "festivus loaf" was gone in about 10 minutes after the first few guests arrived and was announced to be "delicious". For the most part it was a great evening and I think everyone loved it. My in laws have declared that "we have to do this again next year and we are planning to come!"
The "Festivus Loaf" (aka...Italian meatloaf)
Ruben and Jen with his signature Sonic ice and the Festivus Pole!

"Uncle" Ruben and Ben
Cam and Victoria...we met them this year tailgating and have gotten to be friends!

me and the blond brigade -- Jan, Ashley, and Victoria...LOVE these girls!

Randall and Kristie came down
Ben spent the evening playing video games (and trying to teach "Grandpa Fred" to play, too)

I Love my son, Clay! And, was so glad he came to spend the holidays with us!

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