Saturday, January 8, 2011


For the last few months of 2010 I told everyone that I was going into hibernation in January. And, I suppose that I have somewhat done that this first eight days of the new year. It has been nice. As I look at the calendar ahead, it isn't going to last much longer, though. As always things get, committments, social events, meetings, school, family. As I write I'm waiting to go take Ben to meet his friends for lunch. He's growing up and doing "big kid" things.

While I look back on 2010 (a recap post is soon to come) I noticed a lot of comments on Facebook to the effect of --- "Thank goodness this year is over!", "Glad to be rid of the worst year of my life!", "So glad to see 2011....2010 was AWFUL!". And, I'm so surprised because 2010 was the best year of my life. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. There were moments that I thought I would never get through. But, in all it was a terrific year. I went so many places, met so many new friends, enjoyed time with Glenn, Ben moved back here to me, Clay came for a few fun visits, the Gamecocks won the College World Series (sorry, couldn't pass that up!), I experienced so many new and exciting things, I gained a wonderful new family and I married the man I love more than anything else in the world. How couldn't this have been a great year? I worry (about everything!) that 2010 was so perfect that I will be writing those status' about 2011 next January. I mean, can 2011 be as good, much less even better than 2010?? I guess that remains to be seen.

How did I start off my year? Well, Sunday was catch up day for laundry, house and from New Year's travel. Monday was back to school. Unfortunately for my principal she started the year off very sick, however, for the staff that meant no first day back faculty meeting. YAY! I came home and took a nap! Tuesday evening I joined, for the first time in over 2 years the Phi Mu Alumnae Chapter for the monthly dinner. It was so nice to be back around these girls and involved again. I even agreed to serve as PR/Membership Chair for the year. On Wednesday, I had a meeting right after school at Palmetto Health Foundation for the Children's Miracle Network Committee. I had agreed to serve on this back in November, but was unable to attend the training in December. I'm excited about this activity for the year as Children's Miracle Network is a dear to my heart organization as a Phi Mu. Following my meeting, Glenn, Ben and I headed to our church to clean the grill. Glenn is the president of the UMM (United Methodist Men) and their first dinner is next week. He wanted to go ahead and get the grill ready so I scrubbed the parts for him while he and Van cleaned the outside. We went from there to Takosushi to try it. I'll give it an "okay". The sushi wasn't bad; it was average. I'd go back to try the southwestern, but probably would go elsewhere for sushi. Thursday night was my night...Ben was busy with his schoolwork and video games, Glenn was out with a friend. I laid on the couch and indulged in my TV guilty pleasure ---- Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!! Last night we were supposed to attend our neighborhood's first of the year party (Glenn is association VP and I am Membership Chair), however, I had a headache and opted to take Tylenol and rest.

Now, for the weekend, it is starting off relaxing. I'm enjoying the quiet of the house. (Ben is in the man cave waiting to go meet his friends, Glenn is at work and then off to a fantasy football draft....they'll both be gone to the basketball game later!) Today's agenda includes taking Ben, laundry, finishing My Reading Life, charging my Kindle and ordering a new book I heard about this week, putting together my 2010 recap slideshow and blog post, making chilli and writing thank you notes for wedding presents. Tomorrow is church day and I am the reader for service, then Ben has confirmation class afterwards. From there we are going to wait and watch the weather (and football) to see if this called for snow arrives.

Most of all, I am going to enjoy the day, and everyday, that the Lord gives me with my family and friends in 2011. When this year comes to an end I want my Facebook status to read "Another best year of my life!"

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