Monday, October 25, 2010

One Month And Counting....

Yesterday was exactly one month until the big day! Some days it feels like its coming really fast and other times it seems like it will never get here. Today was my next fitting for my dress and I should be able to pick it up next week just in time for my bridal portraits. Peggy met me there and the only issue is that came up is with my shoes. Glenn's parents bought me absolutely gorgeous Jimmy Choos to wear to the wedding and reception. They have almost 5 inch heels however, and my dress is floor length when I am flat-footed. Well, I'm not too concerned with the fact that they "peek" and neither is Glenn or Belinda. But, my tailor isn't too keen on the idea. I finally put my sequined Jimmy Choo foot down and the shoes stay. Even if they show! (Besides, I want everyone to see them!! They are beautiful!)
After the fitting was over Peggy and I headed over to Bella Vista to look at jewelry, check on my guest register and let Peg try on dresses. She promptly found a fabulous and flattering dress. She is going to be gorgeous in it! After trying on most of the earrings, bracelets and necklaces in the store I saw these hand-made, one of kind earrings (there is also a bracelet and necklace to match...I'm deciding which I'd like Glenn to give me as my wedding present) and instantly fell in love. They came home with me.
The evening finished with me, Glenn and Ben heading to Belk to find Ben suit slacks, a white shirt and ties for both he and Clay. We ordered our programs yesterday and now that its finalized, we decided that Clay will "give me away" and Ben is going to be one of Glenn's two best men! (The other will be his dad.) Ben is estatic!!
Now, we're counting down to showers on the 13th and 19th. And, of course, the BIG DAY on the 24th!!!

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