Monday, September 13, 2010

Labor Day Weekend in the Mountains

This is a little out of order, but in all the wedding hubub I forgot to post about our weekend away for Labor Day. We drove up on Saturday to Glenn's parents condo and enjoyed catching up and going over wedding ideas and details. It was so nice up there, too, in the low 70s! We enjoyed dinner on Saturday night at a local pizza place before heading to the Apple Festival and the Tams in concert. There we met up with family friends, Billy and Gwen (who are joining us for the wedding in Las Vegas!) and it was great to see them again. Glenn and I walked around the festival for a short while and headed back to the condo for football!

On Sunday, they left to head back to Texas and we'll see them again in November at the wedding. Glenn and I enjoyed a wonderful Thai lunch at Ling's before heading to Jump Off Rock for some short hikes. It was absolutely beautiful up there! On Sunday evening we had ANOTHER Thai dinner (because the two places we wanted to eat were closed), this time at Thai Spice and it was also very delicious. We spent the rest of the evening and most of Monday hanging around the condo watching TV and wedding planning.

On the way back to Columbia on Monday we stopped for a short visit to see my parents and grandmother.
It was a most relaxing and enjoyable holiday weekend!

Pictures 1-3: Apple Festival and The Tams; Picture 4: the leaves are starting to turn colors already; Picture 5: lunch at Ling's; Picture 6: hiking at Jump Off Rock; Picture 7: dinner at Thai Spice

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