Sunday, August 1, 2010


Recently Glenn was asked to join the board of Workshop Theater. The first production since he went on the board was Willie Wonka. Because we were out of town and so busy during July we didn't try to go. However, last week when he stopped by for a brief meeting he found out that Willie Wonka had been extended through this weekend. We got tickets for Saturday and took Ben to his first theater play. It was terrific and he loved it! (We loved it, too!)
Then on Sunday Ben was acolyte for the first time at church. He was SO excited and did a great job. He had to light the candles before service, extinguishing after service and assist with passing out/collecting offering plates. Our pastor, Jeri Katherine, had asked if he would also be a communion assistant, so he was really thrilled. He held the cup and said, "The Blood of Christ shed for you" as the congregation took communion. What a great Sunday for Ben that I'm sure he'll always remember!

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