Thursday, August 5, 2010

Miracle Treat Day

Each year Dairy Queen has one day to support Children's Miracle Network. CMN is Phi Mu's philanthropy so it is a cause that has been dear to me since college and I still try to find ways to be involved. Today, Ben and I headed out to Columbiana to volunteer at the Dairy Queen there. For each purchase of a Blizzard (and if you haven't had one of these, you should go right now to your closest DQ and get one!) on Miracle Treat Day, $1 is donated to CMN/local children's hospital. We gave out samples and explained to customers the benefit of purchasing a Blizzard, while Ben joined two local youth beauty queens to sell coupons and balloons (I'm sure you've seen these in Wal-Mart). We had a fun time, for a fabulous cause! And, we were rewarded with free pizza from Sbarro AND......BLIZZARDS!!!

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