Thursday, March 18, 2010

Strange Days

Today has been a very, very strange day.

Construction of our new school is underway and when I returned from dropping my kids off at activity (and stopping by the health room for dental floss to assist my stuck apple) the sidewalk and area around my portable was flooding. Fast! Appartently construction crews had an "accident". For the rest of the day, water availability was sketchy at best.
I left school for a district meeting and was stopped a mile or so from the school by fire trucks and backed up traffic. While I wiled the time checking Twitter news and wondering what the smoke I could see was, a colleague called to tell me I needed to turn around (the firemen were just starting to go car to car) because a gas line had burst right where I was sitting. I turned around, made the meeting 15 minutes late.
Then, just when the day couldn't get any stranger. This is what I found when I got to Glenn's house:

As I stopped at the stop sign I noticed a car in the middle of the road in front of his house and A PERSON (ended up being 2) LAYING IN THE ROAD!! My first thought? Oh my goodness, someoone has been hit by a car! Where's the ambulance?? Then, I noticed the second car and the blue lights. And, as I turn in the driveway, I see the handcuffs! And, a guy with a badge coming from the side of Glenn's house. Glenn was home (watching is March Madness season -----who works?!?!) and on the front porch. Apparently he saw the unmarked car pull over the first car. The driver jumped out and bolted; running between Glenn's and the neighbor's houses. One detective followed on foot! And, then Columbia's City AND County cars started showing up. At one point there were 10, yes 10 police cars. The saddest, and the part that broke my heart, they pulled a baby girl out of the car. They patrolled the neighborhood and were still out there when we went to dinner, but an hour and half or so later when we got back, they were gone. But, we assume the runaway is either still running or hiding somewhere! (BTW -- they uncuffed the other guys and let them go, but I heard the cop tell one of them, "He could have killed your daughter!" I hope he learned his lesson!)

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