Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Never To Old For Dress Up

The saying is true that for girls, you are never too old to play dress up! And, last night we had a wonderful time doing just that. My friend Peggy and Glenn's stepmom have a mutual friend, Hilda, who does one of a kind jewelry and top designs. Last night, Peggy hosted a fashion party for Hilda to display and sell her designs. The evening included delicious French and Mediterranean foods, as well.

We spent time trying on top after top....searching for just the right one. I was narrowed down to two, but chose the darker one that you see in the picture. And, we tried on gorgeous necklaces, collars and chokers, and, my favorites, the cuffs and bracelets. (You can also the two of those I came home with in the pictures.) Hilda is quite talented and I will say that she knows exactly what suits you.

It was a very fun girl's night! (Picture 1: Me and Peggy with Hilda's tops; Picture 2: my new bracelets; Picture 3: the traditional Paula and me self portrait!)

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