Sunday, February 21, 2010

Blue Cactus

One of our favorite places to eat in Columbia is Blue Cactus in Five Points. It is an ethnic variety of Korean, Thai, Mexican, Cajun, Puerto Rican and more....including a huge vegeterain selection. I've never eaten anything there that I have not just loved, but my favorite is Cajun Red Beans and Rice OR Puerto Rican Red Beans and Rice with chicken. (No meal is complete without the krab wontons and doctored spicy mustard!) Add to the food quality and selection, it is very affordable, thus making it an excellent dinner location!!
Well, Clay was in town for the basketball with his friend, Levi and Levi's dad, Jason. So, we suggested we all meet for dinner and thought this would be an excellent choice so that everyone could find something. None of the the three of them had ever been and they loved it. Levi had chicken quesadillas --which I intend to try next visit, Clay had tofu quesadillas --- I tried the tofu and it wasn't too bad, while Jason, Glenn and I (I can't belive G and I have NEVER tried this dish before) all had the curry chicken...YUMMMMY ! And, the best part is that between what Glenn and I had left over, I have it to look forward to for lunch again tomorrow!!

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