Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope that all of my family and friends reading the blog had a great Thanksgiving holiday!! It has been wonderful around here!

My break started after school on Tuesday and I was so ready! I had a Columbia Alumnae Panhellenic meeting that evening and then on Thursday I did some Christmas shopping, picked up food for Thanksgiving and even wrapped some presents before our "pre-Thanksgiving" celebration. A band from Glenn's high school days was having a "reunion" so we ventured out to see them and celebrate our friend Ruben's birthday at the same time. I loved getting to hang out with Paula and Elizabeth and Paula's brother, Scott who was in town!

Paula, Ruben, me and Scott

On Thursday we went to lunch at Garibaldi's with Glenn's grandmother and after a nap headed to Kat's mom, Rita's house for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Rita's friend, Diane and Scottie cooked up a wonderful spread of turkey, sweet potato souffle, mac and cheese, dressing and more! We were definitely stuffed!

Scottie and Kat right before dinner

Kat, Glenn and me after dinner!

I didn't go shopping this morning, but the boys got here before lunch. We've spent the day just hanging out and resting before we go help Kat get things ready for Scottie's birthday party tonight. What a great Thanksgiving weekend this has been so far!!

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