Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Rest of Saturday.....

After Viva La Vista, Ben and I headed home to watch some football on TV before going to walk Lexi (my friend Christina's Harlequin Great Dane) and then heading to a tailgating spot near the stadium to watch the game with Paula and her Sunday School class. As usual, things didn't go quite as planned.....

We walked Lexi just fine and when we got back in the car to head to the tailgate, nothing happened. The car wouldn't start. Paula and Daniel came to try to jump it, still nothing. Daniel is a mechanic so he knew what to try, but they needed to get to the tailgate. They headed to the tailgate with Ben while I started trying to find someone with the tools to remove the battery.
Finally, one of the students who lives in the apartment community removed the battery and Peggy and Penny picked me up to go to Advance Auto. One of Peggy's roomate's boyfriend happened to be working so he helped us out and determined that the battery was in fact completely dead and gone. So, we got a new battery, picked up some tools from Glenn's (he is out of town in the midst of all of this) and stopped back at the tailgate to check on Ben and update Paula and Daniel. We got there right at the end of the 2nd quarter so at half time, the three of us headed back off to change the battery and THANK YOU, PENNY!! She did it!

We got back to the tailgate right at the 4th quarter or so and I was FINALLY able to watch the game. Meanwhile, Paula assured me Ben was having a great time playing football with all of the other boys that were there! As you all know by now, Carolina lost, and after the day I had, I was not surprised!

Paula, me, Peggy and Penny tailgating

Ben had a blast with the large crowd of boys

Paula and me

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