Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Yesterday was Glenn's birthday and so the weekend prior was his birthday "weekend". And, it was a busy, but fun one!

His company installed a new phone system so he had to work late on Friday night. As it worked out so did his friend, Scottie. So, Scottie's wife, Kat, and I met at Mediterranean Tea Room for dinner and when the guys got off we joined them at Back Porch for their dinner. My friend, Juice, was coming to town for an event and staying with me so she joined us there as well.

Me and Kat on our "girl's night"

On Saturday, we met up with everyone for a "last hurrah" to summer pool party at Chuck's. The day was great with the exception of a little rain late in the afternoon. The food however was AWESOME all day long!!

Glenn and Tilley in the pool

Glenn has another friend, Elizabeth, who shares his birthday (ironically another couple he is friends with has a daughter who ALSO shares his birthday!). Kat and Scottie invited us, Elizabeth and her fiance, Drew, and two other couples over to their house on Sunday evening for a celebration cookout. I marinated some chicken in our "special" marinade, which everyone RAVED about. :) And, picked up a cookies and cream cake from the Pig (per Glenn's pick out one night last week while we were out on our walk and stopped in the Pig to cool off!) Kat and Scottie threw in corn on the cob, mashed sweet potatoes, green beans and chips and salsa appetizers. It was a lot of fun!!
Kat and Scottie

Elizabeth and Glenn blowing out their candles
Last night, on his actual birthday, we had went out for sushi at Tsunami (you might remember that is the same place we went for my birthday.) Tomorrow night we are having dinner with his family and then I guess the birthday will finally be over!!

Glenn showing off his new shirt he bought in San Fransisco on his birthday!!

***Also!!! I took all of these pics with my new camera that Glenn got me this past week for my birthday!! It is a Fuji waterproof and I LOVE IT!!! I'm finding new features every time I use it! Last night, we discovered that it can "cartoon" you!! ***

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