Friday, July 10, 2009

Birthday Girls!

Last night some friends got together at Cock and Bull, a local English themed place, to celebrate birthdays --- my friend Paula's and mine! We had a great time socializing and it was so sweet to see the people who came to share time with us for our big days. One of the sweetest things was my friend Christina bringing a cupcake cake and a photo collage cork board with some great pictures from recent events and Paula's gift goodies!! Thank you, girls!!

I love Paula and can't think of anyone I would have rather shared the celebration with! (And, I can't wait to see her pictures so I can add some of those, too!)

Pic 1: Birthday Girls - Paula and me!

Pic 2: Christina, Glenn and me

Pic 3: Sarah, me, Chris, Glenn and Christina

the beautiful cake Christina brought!!


Jamie said...

Happy birthday!

Paula Faye said...

Aww, Luv you girl! Thanks for celebrating with me. I hope that yesterday was wonderful and that this year will be the BEST of your Life! p