Saturday, May 2, 2009

Long Over Due Catch Up

It has been a LONG time! And, it has been busy! The boys and I have had school to keep us busy, as well as activities and events! So, here are some picture updates of what has been going on in March and April since my last post:

St. Patrick's Day with friends -- Christina, Laura and Me

Ben and I went to a USC Baseball game at the new stadium (which is beautiful!!)

My friend, Glenn, and I took Ben to the first round NIT game of USC vs. Davidson (compete with Stephen Curry action!) It was Ben's first Gamecock basketball game and he LOVED it!

A huge group of us went to the Carolina Cup Horse Race. It was rainy, but a great time! Picture 1: me and sorority sisters -- Amy, Kellie, me and Christina; Picture 2: our group's girls: Laura, Sarah, Kimberley, Christy, me, Kellie, Christina, Ashley and Amy

A trip to the beach for the SC Jaycees First Quarter Convention. Pic 1: me and Mary at the beach on Saturday ---I got burned! Pic 2: My friend, Glenn. and me at the Disco ONTO event. Pic 3: All of the Columbia Jaycees awards!! YAY!! I won "Vice President" of the Quarter!!

Five Points After Five concert series started back up. Amy, Christina, me and Paula enjoying the band! And, then Devine Jazz, Columbia Jaycee's fundraiser for Camp Hope ended the month! I loved seeing everyone all dressed up to enjoy jazz music and great food from Dianne's on Devine. Pic 1: Ben, Brett, me and Noel. Pic 2: Mary, me and Elizabeth. Pic 3: me and Glenn

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