Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February '09

I would say February has been uneventful, but that would be far from the truth! It seems like there has been something going on all the time.

*Kristie and Levi came down to visit and see my new place. We had lunch with our friend, Brett, shopped in 5 Points and went for a walk at the river. (Ben on our walk)

*Shortly after Kristie left, another friend,invited me to join him for a Columbia Music Festival Association fundraiser...where we made it to round 3 of the dart contest! Then we met a group of our mutual friends for my other friend, Christy's birthday celebration.
*I've been busy with Jaycee membership events! We recruited six new members for January and have six for February at the moment. This included a couple of visits to Tuesday night trivia ---where we aslo watched Gamecock basketball and bought/wore these crazy, clucking hats! (Me and my membership assistant, Laura at trivia AND me and Ben with our new hats!)
*Ben celebrated his 10th birthday!!
*Clay had a jazz band performance.
*We were getting ready for Baubles and Bubbles, my woman's club fundraiser (see seperate post to come!),
* I broke my finger and had to have surgery!!! I fell on a friend's porch the day before Ben's birthday and had surgery last Friday. Thank goodness for my GREAT friends who have taken care of me ---bringing food, movies, doing my dishes, babysat me and just taking care of me. Especially to my friend, Brian, who took me to surgery, stayed while it was being done, fed me afterwards and then brought me home!

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