Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween - Night 2

I can't think of a busier Halloween in recent years, nor one as fun! Ron's mom arrived on Friday afternoon and when he got home we headed to my friend Paula's church for their was awesome. The games were creative and fun; the prizes included toys AND candy! One neat story is that while waiting for Ben to ride one of the rides, we noticed the operator had on a Kirksey Amusement shirt. Back in Spartanburg, I worked with the Kirksey's mom and Ron worked with Will at BMW before he and his brother, Kris, started the business and we all went to the same church. Ron asked and it turned out to be Kris! (we had never met him in person) Too small of a world!

After Ben finished up we stopped at Lizard Thicket for dinner and then on to Airport High School to watch the B-C band perform at half time. They did a great job as usual and afterwards we talked to Clay for a little while. Ron and I dropped his mom and Ben off at our apartment and then we had to make a decision...we had been invited to FIVE, yes, five different Halloween parties! Three of my friends from Women's Club and two couples we've tailgated with...we opted for the closest one and it turned out to be a really fun evening. There are Friday night pre-tailgates for each home USC game and this one was a combo of pre-tailgate and Halloween. Because of our other running around we didn't dress up, but it was still a great time!
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