Monday, October 27, 2008

Off To The Races!

A month or so ago a friend here in Columbia invited a group of us to join her at the Aiken Fall Steeplechase. Ron and I had planned to go and then he realized that it was really just the girls going and decided he'd rather stay home and rest while I went off for a wonderfully, fun girl's day.

(photos: the races, Marisa/Paula/Peggy/Me, Me/Marisa/Elizabeth/Peggy, Rachael/Elizabeth/Marisa/Peggy/Me/Paula/Sara/Mary Beth and Patrick, Sara and Me, Paula/Elizabeth/me, Mary Beth's adorable twin boys --- Patrick and Will, finally --- according to us: "the mounted PoPo"!)

We were worried the train wouldn't hold off and it did drizzle while we were heading that way, but it turned out to be a beautiful day. We had a blast -- saw horses (one sad horse story still to be told), spent time with great friends and met new ones!

Stories from the day:

Rachael's friend, Mary Beth as there with her husband and twin sons. My friend, Kim, has a friend from Aiken that she went to college with. Carrie and I "met" through our blog links on Kim's blog. She is a member of Aiken JWC and Mary Beth mentioned that she was also. Turns out she and Carrie are really good friends. Then, a few hours later it somehow comes up that I am a Phi Mu and Mary Beth tells me that SO IS SHE!! How small of a world is that?!?!

Rachael's family spot was was literally on the last jump. Rachael warned us that if there is an accident it usually happens on this jump, but its pretty rare. At the last race of the day, Dr. Meehan (Rachael's dad) mentioned that this was the last race, the horses are tired and this usually the one if any accidents happened, but they usually don't....just a few seconds later, a horse went down right there. It was awful! We didn't realize at first how bad, but it only took seconds for the tarps to come out and we knew. The worst, I think, though was the jockey off to the side...he looked so pitiful. (I did take a couple of pics, but can't bring myself to post those on here.)

My first trip to the Aiken Steeplechase was eventful, but awesome!! Thank you Rachael and family for hosting us in your spot!

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