Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Weekend Away!

This past weekend I was able to head out of town as soon as I left school on Friday and it was GREAT! (the only down-side was that I didn't take many pictures...Kristie took most of them on her camera!)

I arrived in Spartanburg a little after 5 and met my parents and Ben (who had been staying with them) at Wade's for dinner. While there we ran into my Aunt Diane and Uncle Clay, my grandmother and George and my great-aunt Helen and great-uncle Leonard. It was so good to get to see everyone!

After dinner I headed to Kristie's for Friday night. We took her golf cart out riding for a while; even going over to the boat landing and "cruising" it. Then, her friend Deacon came over and we went out with him for a bit. It was so good to spend time with Kristie, Deacon and Laura, who met us in downtown Spartanburg. (You might remember her from the boat cruise earlier in the summer.)

On Saturday I got up and headed to The Beacon for lunch with my sorority little sister, Stacey, and her son, Drew. I haven't seen Stacey in years and we recently re-connected on Facebook so it was awesome to catch up with her. After lunch I headed to Greenville to meet up with Elizabeth, Rhe and Brett for the remainder of the Jaycees Quarterly Convention.

Kristie came back over to meet us for at Mimi's Diner which was YUMMY!! She stayed for the awards ceremony, went to the reception sponsored by Noel that we were invited to (it was an awards thing so she went as "Trever" since he wasn't there) and the dance. As always, it was a good time.

Sunday rolled around and Elizabeth and I packed my car and Rhe's car before we all hit the road back home. I stopped back in Spartanburg to visit with my parents for a short while and to pick up Ben. Needless to say, I was tired when I got home, but thrilled with a wonderful weekend away. Sometimes, its just nice to get a new change of scenery! :)

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