Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It Has Been A While....

....since I've posted! But, it has, as always, been busy around here.

A week ago last Saturday, my parents brought Ben home and saw my new place for the first time. We had lunch at Maurice's and played some Wii and Kristie arrived for her looonnnnggg weekend while they were here. On Saturday night, she and I joined the Jaycees at Finlay Park for the concert series, which is a fundraiser for our chapter before heading out to see ANOTHER '80s band, 88Rewind. It was an '80s music night for us! AND, HOT!

On Sunday we joined Brett and Dan at Chuck's for swimming and bocce ball. It was a fun afternoon before we all headed back to my house to cook out.

I had to work on Monday, so Ben and Kristie went out walking and did some shopping. After dinner that night we all headed down to the river where Kristie, Ben, Maggie and I took a LONG walk and Clay played his guitar. It was a really nice evening and we had a great time. When we got home, after playing some Wii (we do a LOT of Wii playing these days!) we started watching Napolean Dynamite. And, quite a Palmetto Bug incident. We saw one in the kitchen and none of us would climb up to kill it (I mean, these things are HUGE!). During the movie it crawled up next to Clay on the couch. He and Kristie jumped across the room in one jump. Ben on the other hand grabbed his handy lightsaber and began beating at it. Needless to say, one less Palmetto Bug in the world and one really funny situation!

I had to work all day again on Tuesday, so Kristie entertained Ben in the morning and went shopping with our friend, Dan, for the afternoon. I met Elizabeth, Chuck, James and Brett at Wild Wings before we headed over to our usual Tuesday night Trivia. Kristie and Dan met us there and she was so excited to FINALLY get to participate in trivia. She always calls us on trivia night and couldn't wait to come actually participate. (Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures!)

Kristie had planned to go home on Wednesday, but decided to stay one more night. I took the day off and we had lunch with Dan, did some 5 points shopping and just hung out. We played more Wii and watched the rest of Napolean with the boys. She left while I was at work on Thursday and took Ben with her so he could go back to each set of grandparents for a week before school starts.

This past weekend I was back at Finlay Park with the Jaycees on Saturday night and back to Chuck's pool on Sunday (we played Croquet instead of Bocce Ball this time....which was long but pretty fun.) It was a very nice, relaxing and busy weekend.

Now, another week is almost to the middle. Clay is going camping this weekend with OA and I'm going to the Upstate. And, then, school is ready to start back...summer will be over!

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