Sunday, February 21, 2010

Journey to Easter Morning

I should have already posted about this and I planned to on Ash Wednesday, but I didn't get the picture taken that evening that I wanted to use, so it didn't seem quite right. Until now.

A while back, but more closely two weeks ago and specifically on Ash Wednesday, Glenn and I started a whole new journey; a journey with God and the local congregation at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. We visited a few times with our friends, Van and Elsie, and Glenn has visited the men's group frequently over the years. The church is tiny. Well, not the physical building, but its congregation. On average there are 50-60 to people at service. BUT ( a big BUT here) it is absolutely, without a doubt the friendliest congregation I have ever been a part of....not one person fails to offer a hug, a hello or a smile! For such a small group, God is truly in the lives of the people and this church. And, instantly, Glenn and I both agreed this was where we wanted our church home to be.
Around Christmas Glenn suggested we should consider going more often, particularly when the kids were in town. I agreed. Then, after a recent men's event he took it a step further and indicated he thought we should consider joining the church. The following week we met with Michael, the pastor and followed that up with a second meeting last Sunday. In the meantime, several other people expressed interest and Michael set for us to join the church on Easter Sunday!

Assured that yes, we wanted to become members of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church we set the day to join on Easter Sunday morning AND the day will be doubly special for Glenn as he will be baptized as well!! Our "official" journey started on Ash Wednesday with a 40 day, not including, Sundays countdown to Easter. What an exciting season to be on this journey!! During this time we have membership classes, special Lenten services, and the anticipation of Easter morning! This is definitely a super-exciting experience for us!

We are looking forward to April 4th with the knowledge that God is good and His timing is never anything less than perfect! (We also have the excitement that Glenn's family -- including his mom and stepdad from Texas -- and, hopefully some of our friends will be joining us for service that day!)


Paula Faye said...

The answer to Many, many, many prayers girl !! Seriously, you have no idea .... the answer to many prayers.
I am so very proud of you guys and happy for you and will support you 100% on this new journey!!!

Marisa said...

Melanie, that is WONDERFUL! I am so happy for you & Glenn as you embark on this new journey together!