Sunday, January 19, 2014

December and the Holiday Season

This was a wonderful holiday season for us!  We were very busy and enjoyed every minute of it!
  • Junior League Holiday Market (we attended Preview Party, I did a shift and then attended Ladies Night with my friend Catherine)
  • Modern sponsored Columbia Classical Ballet's Nutcracker Shop again
  • Our house was on the Shandon-Rosewood Hills Home Tour and we did the tour and attended the host/docent party with our friends that served as docents at our home
  • Ben started basketball in the church league
  • We went to Devine Nights with friends
  • Gamecock basketball games
  • We attended the Panthers game against New Orleans (and I was able to see my friend and Phi Mu sister Jen)
  • My parents came to visit
  • Modern sponsored "Mrs. Bob Cratchit's Wild Christmas Binge" at Workshop Theatre
  • The Junior League Provisional class held an olive oil tasting at The Crescent Olive
  • We hosted our annual Christmas/Festivus Party
  • My in laws came to Christmas Eve and we held a family dinner for both sets of in laws and a family friend on Christmas Day
  • The boys came to celebrate Christmas the day after and we held our annual "leftover" night with family and friends
  • Glenn and I ran into the Weiner Mobile in 5 Points
  • Glenn came to be conductor for my annual "Polar Express" Day at school
  • We attended the EAGC Christmas party

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