Sunday, January 19, 2014

April into May

The end of April and May were filled with LOTS of great events.
  • Soda City with my parents and friends
  • Girl's Night with Peggy, Penny, Paula and Victoria
  • Thursday nights at  5 Points After 5 concerts
  • A welcome home party for our family friend, Mary (she had a stroke earlier in the year)
  • Awards ceremonies for Ben (he won several awards including a district achievement award, National Jr. Merit Scholar, honor roll and the highest theater award at Hand)
  • Ben "graduated" from 8th grade
  • Glenn and I attended MIRCI's 52 Windows fundraiser and the SC Arts Commission Spring Gala, both at my favorite venue in Columbia....701 Whaley
  • A tour of the Riverwalk
  • Memorial Day at the beach

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