Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Rest of Spring Break

Although the weather wasn't the best (it was cool, breezy and rained/stormed one whole day) we enjoyed the rest of our break.  Tuesday was fairly nice so Kinsley and I spent the day on the balcony while Ben tried out the pool and hot tub.  Belinda joined us that night and I cooked dinner for us all.

Wednesday was shopping day at the outlets (where Ben got some great new clothes for his upcoming trip to England) and since it was Kinsley's last night we all four headed to dinner at Rossi's.

Thursday was the WORST weather so we stayed inside all day watching TV and reading.  Glenn was returning on Friday evening so I spent the day cleaning, grocery shopping, trying out a new recipe (hot chicken and cauliflower casserole) and then after dinner we all walked to Kroger for a movie and watched "Skyfall".  Saturday we went to the other outlets looking for some yellow pants Ben wanted and an outfit I had wanted earlier in the week. That evening we celebrated his dad's birthday with family dinner at Prime.

It was way hard to come home but it is so nice to know that summer is almost here and I'll be back for a while!

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