Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Sad Day in America

I had planned to spend tonight updating the blog, but in light of today's tragedy I just can't seem to want to relive our recent " good times".  Within a few minutes of school ending today I did my afternoon Twitter check to see if anything is going on that I've missed. When I read "explosions at Boston Marathon" it felt like my heart literally stopped. I'm not sure why since I don't personally know anyone running it. Maybe, it is because Glenn is in NYC and I was edgy about his trip last night. Maybe it is because I started a book last week set in Boston. Maybe, it is because we were there...literally right there staying in a hotel almost on the finish line six months ago this week and I now see the blood and destruction of a street I walked a 100 times that week.  Maybe it is because I read a Twitter post this morning stating that today was "Patriot's Day" and for a moment I wished I were back in that beautiful, historical city to celebrate freedom. Whatever it is that made this stop me in my tracks and begin to scan Internet news for more information was gripping.

Yesterday the pastor said that "frustration is God's invitation to prayer". Today started out all around frustrating and I told my assistant jokingly that I might need frequent prayer breaks to accept God's invites. A frustrating event of this magnitude and tragedy makes my "bad day" seem petty and silly. Whatever it comes out to be, domestic or international terrorism or one of the people the pastor talked about yesterday who let their life get so far away from God they " have one foot on a crazy train" and they step on it, it is definitely frustrating and an invitation to pray. For those killed or injured and their families. Witnesses. First responders. All of Boston. All of our country. Those who did this senseless act. Those who are planning the next one.

Tomorrow will come and life will go on for us all. But, no one could have imagined this tragedy and that April 15, 2013 would be known for much more as Tax Day in the rest of our country's history.

1 comment:

Paula Faye said...

Well written! Scott was in NYC yesterday too.